Lou Jones, a Boston-based photographer and world traveler, is engaged in the second phase of a major project that needs everyone’s support. He has embarked on a large scale documentary project; the panAFRICAproject. As Lou says, he is “… trying to use photography as the ‘universal language’ to alter the narrative that western media foists on news, education & commerce surrounding Africa …” This project will follow in the footsteps of its phase one which exhibited the collections. Now, panAFRICAproject will become a book to last for future generations to see, appreciate, learn, and enjoy.
These projects are difficult for most photographers to pull off for lack of financial resources, this one is no exception. Through crowdsourcing, many individuals each contribute small amounts to execute a large project, in this case by a talented photographer.
According to Lou Jones, the response has been astounding and he extends his gratitude to everyone who has supported them so far. They continue to need our support however possible.
Please visit the project Web site and look at the Project Countries tab. Click on each country to see images and read each country documented so far. Then visit the project Kickstarter page and contribute any amount you can.
B&H has asked Lou Jones to do a workshop on panAFRICAproject and the process of building a Kickstarter campaign to fund projects. You’ll be able to attend at the B&H event space in NYC or watch it streamed online.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018 1:00 – 3:00 PM Eastern
Low Jones is a renowned street photographer, documentary photographer and wizard of portable flash. He has spoken at PSRI in years past.