We receive questions from time to time and gathered the answers to most often asked questions here for your reference.
Why do I have to first register?
- Because PSRI wants to know who the person is before we charge you membership dues. Often times, after paying the dues members forget to update their information.
My membership expired, what do I do?
- Login to your account and purchase the type of membership you need; upon payment your membership will be reactivated.
My membership expired, do I need to register again?
- No, simply login to your account and purchase the type of membership you like.
I forgot my password, can you send it to me?
- We never see your password, it is kept by the system in an encrypted way. The easiest and the quickest way to reset your password is to use the “Forgot password?” link under the login fields. Then follow the instructions. Remember PASSWORDS AND USER IDs ARE CASE SENSITIVE.
I have a family membership and would like the second person to access the members only site with her or his login, can this be done?
- Yes, it can be. Create a new account for the second person and ask the membership chair to activate that account.
My membership will expire in mid year, can I still compete?
- Of course, you can renew your membership any time. Just login to your account, buy the membership, pay via PayPal, and your membership will be activated instantly.